Thursday, 19 January 2017

Shooting Schedule

For our film to be successful we need to create a Shooting Schedule. This is for the directors and crew to use when they are on set. It contains the shots, where the shots are being taken, who needs to be in the shot, what props will be used and the time and date. it is very useful when you are filming as it keeps you on task and keep you to a specific time frame. The cast can also use this to know when they are needed and at what time.

Here is our Shooting Schedule:

Actor Release form

In order for us to legally use to images and voices of our actors then we have to get them to sign a Talent release form. This shows that we have permission.

Risk Assesment

To keep all the crew and equipment safe we have to complete a formal risk assessment. This will mean that everyone is aware of the dangers that are on set and can be make sure other people know of these risks.

The risk assessment has to include the risk detail, severity of risk, likelihood of the risk, prevention of risk, who is at risk and who is responsible.


So after reading the Animatic research post I guess your here to see our version for Treachery.

Well here it is.


Animatic Research

An animatic is the animated version of the films storyboard. It is created after the storyboard has been made and shows the storyline of the film, Using the storyboard with background music and sounds. This is a method used by film makers to ensure their film idea is working and flows well.

There are a list of important conventions and they are the following:

  • Shot drawing
  • Camera angle
  • Camera movement
  • Shot size
  • Sound effects
  • Soundtrack
  • Film Ident's
  • Film titles

Technology as changed so much over the years and so has animatics. They first started with the storyboard laid out all in order using special effect but know with all the editing system that are available it is easier and more technical.

Animatic are now still images made into a film format with music over the top and also with dialogue and sound effects involved as well.

The advantages of making an animatic is that the director will know how long the shot needs to be and what camera angles and movements need to be in the shot. He or She will watch the Animatic and use it to make the film.

I will know add some examples of animatics that I have looked at:

The video above shows both the animatic and the film.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


This is our storyboard for Treachery. It is 8 pages long and has all the shots that we will use in it.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Storyboard Research

The storyboard is an important part to a film. It is a series of drawings that show the entire film. These pieces of art can be pages long, and are always very detailed. As well as the images there are other things that the artist needs to consider including camera movements, shot types and other things that show what the audience will see when the film comes out.

I have researched other storyboards and these will help me and my group complete our storyboard for Treachery.

Below I have added some screenshots of a professional storyboard for the film Star Wars.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Props research and Props list

In any film that you watch there will be props used. Every film has some sort of prop whether its as simple as a phone or a broomstick in a witches film its still a prop. Below I will explain the research we did about props.

Why we research props?

We need to find out what props are available and if we can get them for when we need them to film. Also if we don't research then we don't know whether the prop will be the right one to use. As well as that if we use the correct props it shows the audience and gives them a better understanding of what we are trying to get across. If we research then we don't get the audience confused which is our overall aim.

The props we have chosen

IPhone - As a group we decided that a IPhone would be a good choice for a prop as both characters in our film are between 16 and 18 and a common stereotype that is associated with that sort of age is that they are always on their phone and don't stop using them. If someone see's you with a IPhone you would be classed as "well off" which is common wen people see Apple branded items because they are well known for being a expensive brand. As well as that we have chosen this because it is easy to access for when we need it.

TV Remote - As well as the IPhone we have also chosen the use a TV Remote as a prop. Another stereotype that people give when talking about teenagers is that they are moody and watch TV all day and we wanted to show this in our film. The TV Remote is a LG and this is a common remote that people would recognise easily when they see it. 

And last of all our Official props list which will be embedded below ...

Costume Research

We chose youthful, casual clothes for our actors as the audience will be able to detect their age straight away when they see them as well as that it is accessible to our actors, we need to take that in to consideration because we are not the biggest of companies and wont be able to afford to buy clothes for our actors. They will have to wear the same clothes when filming because if they change then their will be continuity errors in our film.

The male actor (Dom Ewen) will be wearing a plain t-shirt, plain jeans and any socks. We try to avoid any patterns on clothing due to continuity errors. What these costumes represent? Due to the clothes that we have Dom in we expect the audience to think he is just a normal teenager, but when people think of teenagers stereotypes kick in e.g. violent, aggressive and dangerous.

Our female actor (Emily McCarthy) will be wearing specific clothing as she has let us know in advanced what she can wear. It will be a Adidas grey top, Black jeans and pug socks. This is also like Dom's but because it's a girl they don't get the same stereotypes. Girls are seen as more innocent then boys. If an older person spoke about a girl they wouldn't say they are aggressive like they would if they were on about a lad.

These costumes show that our characters are defiantly part of the youth social category as they are wearing clothes that show this. As well as that is shows that they are materialistic and this is a stereotype with many teenagers nowadays because they want the best outfits and clothes.