Looking back at your Preliminary Task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
So question 7 is based around our prelim task which is one the first filming tasks that we showed you.
So here is it, I know you want to see it again but this time i'm going to pick bits out of it and talk about it.
00:08 - At the start of the Prelim film we had one of our male actors walking down from the top f the corridor this is clearly to long and boring and could have been done much better.
00:37 - When making the match on action we had to change the position of the camera as we only had one, this meant when we edited we had to make the clips match. Unfortunately this didn't work and it made it look like our actor walked through the door twice.
00:46 - The first clip of the shot reverse shot is poorly done as you can hear me saying action before the actors started talking, if we had waited another second this could have been prevented.
01:01 - Right at the end of the film the actor looks at the camera this isn't professional as the actors need to make out that the cameras aren't actually there.
Okay so I have picked out some parts of our Prelim task that were really poor, so now i'm going to see if we improved in our final cut.
00:19 - In our prelim task like I said before we had our actors walking for way to long but this time we made it short so it didn't get boring for the audience.
00:34 - For the final cut we I made sure that we said action then waited until the actors tarted talking, this made sure that it would be more professional and would help us a lot in the editing stage.
01:20 - Unlike our Prelim match on action in the final cut we made sure that it was smooth and looked like we hadn't done two different shots.
Differences in the planning stages -
Shooting and Editing - For the prelim task we had 2 hours, 1 hour for filming and 1 hour for editing, this meant that we was very rushed and didn't have time to plan everything out properly. For the Final cut we had 2 weeks for both editing and filming, this meant that we had time for planning and also had time to make sure everything was at the high standard that we wanted.
For the final cut we had to make a script, treatment, animatic and a storyboard. We didn't get to do any of this for the Prelim.
Making a script made sure that our actors knew what to say and where to be when filming, it also meant that we could make our film more professional and not make it up on the spot.
The treatment made us plan the film out very rough, we could then use the treatment to add more ideas to the actually script and storyboard.
The storyboard was there to help us draw out the shots that we wanted to have in our film and also was sort of pans, tilts etc were gonna be happening in that shot.
The animatic was helpful for us to show our drawings from the storyboard but also add the dialogue that we wanted as well.
Due to us not having a chance to make these for the prelim task it meant that the final cut was a lot more successful and worked much better than the original task.
What I have learned about myself -
I have learned that I can give ideas that are useful and help other members in the team.
I have learned that you have to be calm and sometimes not say what you think when working in a group.
But last of all I have realised that filming can be great and is always fun but sometimes working in a group can also mean that some people end up doing more than others.