Monday, 3 October 2016

Summary of Preliminary task Evaluation & Peer Feedback

In the last post I showed you our preliminary task. In this post i will tell you about my strengths and weaknesses and end off with a conclusion.

Strengths -

- All members of group turned up on time.

- Everyone in my group work well and parts were given out equally.

- We met most of the required shots and camera movements.

- Added 2 match on actions instead of the one that was required

Weaknesses -

- Broke the 180 degree rule

- Pan was jerky

-  Shots were to long at the start

In conclusion I think for a first attempt our piece wasn't that bad we need to remember some of the rules so we don't break them next time. But I'm very happy with how it went.

Below I will embed a video of how it was originally before our teacher helped us to flip it to stop us from breaking the 180 degree rule.