Saturday, 10 December 2016

Location Research

Location is an important part when making a film and you have to pick where you go very wisely. This is because it can make or break your film. For example using a forest, everyone and I mean everyone has done the forest thriller where some scary guy jumps out and follows someone. So for us we didn't want that to be part of our film. We chose to have a normal house setting. This is because its easy access for us as well as it being a good place for our actors to get to. The house also has a seller which we can use to our advantage and has plenty of room for us to film. Below I will add Pictures of where we will be filming.

We looked at some other places that we could of used as a back up if we need to.

This is the front room which most of the film will take place in. The room show the audience that older people own the house as many of the interior is old fashioned. This also tells the audience that the school kids don't own the house. So they cant be over 18 at all.

This is the seller that we will be using. We wanted to incorporate the seller but not make it a horror.

Like I said before everyone uses the scary forest idea when doing a thriller. We knew as a group that we definitely wouldn't use this but we still had to look at places and this was one that commonly come up. 

Back to Treachery. Our film is based around a couple of school kids and this is the main reason for the house idea. Having it based in a house makes it more realistic for the audience. We didn't want to go to far out the box because that might not make our film as good as we wanted it to be.

Other genres such as comedy and action films would have very different settings and I will add some pictures of what you would expect from them genres.

We looked at the film the Bye Bye man as there is a house in it that looks a little bit like the one we are using. The house is big and has many rooms in it including the seller which we are using in our own film.
This is the house above. 

Below I will embed a real media example of something that we will try to incorporate into our film.