Saturday, 3 December 2016

Role of the sound editor

The role of the sound editor is to assemble sound recordings to prepare for the final sound mixing. they are used on TV programs, motion pictures , video games and anything involving recorded or synthetic sound.

They have many jobs and these include:

  • Editing and cleaning up dialogue 
  • Removing unwanted sound, such as Aeroplanes and dog barks
  • ADR
  • Sound effects
  • Soundtracks
The Wilhelm Scream 
The Wilhelm scream is one of the most famous sound effects ever used and its been in almost 500 films. The sound was voiced by Sheb Wooley and is named after private Wilhelm, a character in The Charge at Feather River. The scream is now used as a joke and is most notably used in the Star Wars films, Indiana Jones films and many cartoons.