When recording on set you have to make sure that there is not a lot of sound in the background otherwise the shot could be completely useless and you would have to film it again. But there are ways around this and that is where ADR comes in to play. ADR stands for automated dialogue replacement and this is used if there is background noise or the actors don't speak loud enough or bad whether conditions and even if the camera is too far away. You basically get the actors to record their lines again and then add it in when editing this means the audience get to hear everything they need to and background noises cant effect the overall project.
If the director feels that there needs to be bits done again due to background noise then ADR is the most popular way to fix them.
If we have problems with noise when filming then we will have to use ADR because it is the easiest way to make the film better.
Below I will add a guide on how to use ADR: